Captive Advisory Partners

Committed to Excellence
We believe that long-term relationships are fundamental to our business. That does not mean that the relationship is constant; indeed, project work forms a considerable part of our business. However, we believe that clients should consider us their first port of call whether in an ongoing project or coming back to us if another project arises.
Trust is paramount with all of our clients.
Our clients know that they are receiving truly independent advice. Our clients can trust that we have made every effort to get to know what they truly want and that we understand their needs. Only then can the advice be sufficiently tailored to engender trust. Our goal is to live up to that trust you put in us.
We treat our clients fairly.
We should both feel that services and fees have been fair to both parties.
Fees are set at the beginning of the engagement. We will make no further income from the engagement without notifying you of any market inducements that may be offered to us in fulfillment of the engagement.
​Any potential conflict of interest is disclosed in the proposal.
We will only take on engagements where we have the qualifications and knowledge to offer the best advice.
We continuously consider all elements of compliance throughout the relationship.
In addition to the initial “know your client” elements, we constantly evaluate ongoing compliance with insurance regulations, domicile compliance, tax regulations, and banking regulations. Some of these areas will be outside our expertise, but we will introduce resources who are able to advise in specialist areas.
We value your time.
We are committed to providing the most productive use of your time and to use as little of it as possible.
By being prepared, knowing our business, efficiently asking questions, listening, and following up, we can reduce your commitment of time.
We will commit to a timeline and live up to it.
Stability is the key to an ongoing relationship.
By creating the right team for the engagement, you will be working with highly skilled professionals who are familiar with your company's needs and goals providing a higher level of service.